Public timelines

Discover a selection of public timelines created by our community

Chronologies Changelog 📝

Discover what's new with Chronologies: Our changelog is the best way to find out about all the new features, bug fixes, and changes we're making to Chronologies. Whether you're a long-time user or just getting started, we'll keep you informed and help you get the most out of the platform.

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The Evolution of Music Genres and Cultural Shifts

Explore the timeline of music genres and how they have evolved over time, reflecting cultural shifts and influencing popular culture.

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A Tour of Delicious Treats 🍰

Welcome to our timeline of scrumptious goodies! Join us on a journey through time and taste as we explore some delightful treats.

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Creation Day to 7th Millennium

This time line is intended to be a shared exercise among Torah followers. It is based on the 9th month 7th day of year 4304BC GRAND CONJUNCTION of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars , and Jupiter with Saturn in close proximity. To see this event set your STELLARIUM or similar program to October 7, -4304 (You may use BC, B.C., BCE if your program requires it.) The timeline will start with 4304BC as year 1CD (Creation Day). It will end on year 7000CD, the first day of the 7th or Sabbath millennium. Columns will be provided for CD dates, BC/AD dates, Traditional Jewish dates, Event, and comments.

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Dining with Birds 🐦

Trying to get a picture of every bird species that visit us.

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🪸 The Small Reef project - part 1 - preparation

Documenting all works done starting a reef aquarium for first time.

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Pumpkin carving 2024

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Evolution of Video Games During the Years

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🐸 Die faszinierende Entwicklung einer Kaulquappe

Die Entwicklung einer Kaulquappe ist ein bemerkenswerter Prozess, der in mehreren Phasen abläuft. Jede Phase bringt entscheidende Veränderungen mit sich, die für das Überleben und die Anpassung an die Umwelt wichtig sind. In dieser Timeline werden die verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen detailliert beschrieben.

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Hacking Gandalf

Solutions for Note: the game changes quickly and solutions/hints do not age well. You can read them for inspirations, though.

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Evolution of video games during the years

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🏙️ The Evolution of City Builder Games

City builder games have evolved significantly since their inception, showcasing advancements in technology and gameplay mechanics. This timeline highlights key milestones in the development of this genre, illustrating how these games have shaped the gaming landscape and influenced players' creativity and strategic thinking.

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📅 Evolution of JavaScript Frontend Frameworks

This timeline explores the significant milestones in the development of JavaScript frontend frameworks, highlighting key frameworks and their impact on web development.

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Evolution of video games.

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